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Graduation Flowers Same Day Delivery

Celebrate your loved one’s milestone with our highly rated selection of graduation flowers from $30

Premium Hand Bouquet

KH-97 Smile Rose Bouquet


Premium Hand Bouquet

KH-82 Rainbow Love


Premium Hand Bouquet

KH-83 Rainbow Passion


Premium Hand Bouquet

KH-79 Rainbow Delight


Premium Hand Bouquet

KH-80 Rainbow Delight





Premium Hand Bouquet



Premium Hand Bouquet



Premium Hand Bouquet



Premium Hand Bouquet


More flower Bouquet

The Perfect Graduation Flowers in Singapore

Graduation day is a big deal, no matter how old you are. A time when someone finally accomplishes one of their goals in life; it’s when someone could taste the result of the hard work they have done over the years—to achieve and complete the degree; it’s when someone would move on to a new phase in their life.

When someone you love, a dear friend, or a close relative of you that are graduating, naturally we want to tell them how much we are proud and happy for them, right? Sometimes, it’s not enough to express those feelings in just words, you want to show them that you care by doing something more like picking out a gift.

A graduation gift actually could be anything: it could be a doll, the graduate’s favourite book, a sweater, or whatever that you can think of and you know that the item will be liked by them, but don’t forget to consider adding some flowers! There is no better and more beautiful way to say congratulations than with a bouquet of fresh and pretty Graduation flowers.


Getting Flowers for Graduation Day

Flowers have been the highlights of almost all special events in life, so it is no surprise if flowers are perfect for graduation too. Graduation is that one special moment that needs to be celebrated, and graduation flowers Singapore would add the ambiance of the celebration.

Graduation is exciting, but like any transition in life, it could also be extremely intimidating like for an instance, the nervous feeling attending this event, and they might be confused about what they will do in life after they are graduated. To help this situation, sending a bunch of beautiful flowers could help encourage and cheer them up—of course, if you know the right flowers to give. Check out these tips that you can use when choosing the right flower:


The Right Colors

What makes flowers beautiful is the colors. We know that almost all flowers are beautiful, but there is something you need understand regarding the colors if you decide to send it to someone.

Flowers with bright colors are the best for a happy event. Bright colors are most suitable to choose for a graduation gift because they normally are associated with celebration and festivity. Yellow flowers symbolize success and happiness, purple flowers symbolize success along with dignity, green for youth and good luck, then orange represent enthusiasm and excitement.

Make this happy day even happier with bright flowers like a bouquet of Sunflowers because no one would deny that sunflowers are one of the brightest flowers in the world.

Carnations with their bright red colors are a good choice too, especially for men since the flowers do not look too feminine, yet still beautiful to see. Orchids also a favorite congratulation gift for a graduate; most popular colour is purple, but white or green orchid will do just fine.

You can never go wrong with a classic red Rose, specially if it’s for your a loved one. Yellow Rose with its whimsical vibe to express admiration, great for friends or colleague. There are still plenty flower choices in bright colors that you could choose, try to pick their favorite color. Paying attention to details like this really show how much you care, also show that you really want them to smile on this very special day.


The Right Meaning

Flowers have a their own language that people use to express feelings that they cannot put into words. Express your thoughts to the happy graduates with the proper flower meaning, this would be a great help.

For a graduation flowers like Camellias and white Carnations are a perfect choice since they mean “good luck”. If you want to wish them wealth and prosperity, you can go with Peonies and Lilies.

And there is Iris that represents hope, wisdom, and faith. Tropical flowers are also good because they create a sense of adventure which is matched with the new graduate situation, as someone who starting a new phase in their life.


The Right Arrangement

Aside from colors and meanings of flowers, the right arrangement also important to make a perfect graduation gift. Flower arrangement in a bouquet form is an excellent choice because you can easily bring and give it to the graduates when attending the graduation ceremony, but you could consider a flower arrangement in a vase by sending it to their home if you want the flowers to last much longer.  

Another choice is to give them artificial flowers so it will last for a long time. Artificial flowers are also a great choice if the recipient or the graduate have a certain allergy to flowers. Whatever you decide on the flower arrangement type, make sure you order it from the best place that ensures best quality.


“LittleFlowerHut.com Graduation Bouquet

There is something for every budget for you to pick as a graduation gift! With our experienced florist, you can get a perfect graduation flowers or flower arrangement with good colour with the proper meaning. We ensure the best quality of flowers to bring smile and happiness to our recipients.

Keep in mind that sending graduation flowers is one of the easiest and best way to show your appreciation towards someone on graduation day. When you can’t attend the ceremony or visit their place, order the graduation flower online and send the gift through our delivery service and you are set. Same day flower delivery service is available, so you don’t need to worry that your gift will be late.